
Miss Naomi came by a few weeks ago for her cake smash session!! :) Such a pleasure to watch these precious kiddos grow up! Here is a little glimpse into her session! :)

Three children pose together against white brick wall with pink balloon and greenery decorations.
Baby in pink outfit reaching for white 'ONE' letters with pink balloons and greenery backdrop.
Happy baby in pink outfit sits on decorative number one block against balloon backdrop.
Baby in pink outfit plays with cake on floor surrounded by pink balloons and small trees.
Pink and white balloon backdrop with small evergreen trees frames celebratory cake smash setup.
Sweet cake smash photo setup with pink balloons and miniature evergreens against white brick wall.
Festive first birthday scene with pink cake, balloons, and potted evergreens against white wall.
First birthday photo setup with pink cake, balloons and evergreen trees against white brick background.
Birthday photo scene with pink and white balloons, small trees, and decorated cake.
Behind-the-scenes view of cake smash photo session with pink and white balloon backdrop.
Pink-themed birthday setup with white brick wall, evergreen trees and festive balloons.
Birthday celebration scene with smashed cake, pink balloons and miniature evergreen trees.
Vintage metal tub bath setup with pink cake and balloon decorations against brick wall.
Baby in metal tub with smashed pink cake during first birthday photoshoot with balloons and trees.
Baby in metal bucket with pink balloons and evergreen trees for cake smash photography session.